Dear organizers,
We have a serious issue with the leaderboard. It shows that the same submission (under name 'SC3_JayHawks_Time24_Sub1') is scored repeatedly three times and assigned to different submission IDs. The scores of all three are the same. You can tell that they are exactly the same submission based on the info of 'Date', because the time interval between these three identical submissions are just seconds.
I made the test submission 'SC3_JayHawks_Time24_Sub1' only for once. Our team is supposed to have two more submissions left for this sub challenge. But now we cannot submit anymore. If this issue is not solved properly, this is unfair for those who have a better prediction to submit.
I appreciate it.
Created by Qian Li qli4 Thank you for fixing this, Thomas. Now we can submit a new file to this queue.
Qian Dear Qian / Tony,
There is a known issue with the auto-scoring system that may duplicate your submissions. It auto validates and scores received submissions every 15 minutes. If there are a lot of submissions received, sometimes the scoring takes longer than 15 minutes. At this point, sometimes when participants submit, their submission will be duplicated. We are working on fixing this issue, but until then, I will try my best to monitor all the leaderboards to check for duplicated submissions. Apologies for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your patience.
I have made all duplicated submissions invalid.
Thomas Same problem for us ("Neo Naoned submission hour 24"), but I do think I did click twice on submit since it was taking a long time :p
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