Hi all,
Totally confused about the submission procedure for each item for a given subchallenge. I managed to submit predictions for SC2 by creating a folder in "Files/Submission Requirements" and uploading the predictions into that, then following the instructions. But is my folder public? Why aren't everyone else's folders visible?
Then, for the LOO predictions, are we meant to put them in the Leave-one-out CVs folder provided? Or somewhere else? Why does everyone's file in this folder say "private", yet I can, if I want, download them?
Do we put our permutation results and predictor lists in the folders provided, or elsewhere?
Where do we put the write-up? Where do we put the reproducible code? Is this public?
Created by kevin.bleakley Ah yes, all becomes clearer. Thank you :) Kevin-
You seem to have missed step 1, which is create your own project for the purposes of this challenge. This is where you'll store your submissions, code and write-up. This project needs only be shared with the Organizers. I see you've stored submissions in the Challenge Project. You'll want to move those to your own project so no one can see them.
I'd suggest re-reading [this page](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn5647810/wiki/403974), starting from the "Step-by-step Guide"
Drop files to upload
Submission confusion, privacy, etc. page is loading…