Hi Solly,
I had one submission to Sub-challenge 1 but did not get any confirmation email yet. My ID is syn7201090.
Created by S J SAJA Thomas, I did not receive confirmation email for duplicated submission. Maybe I did not finalize the submission. I will let you know if got confirmation email. Thanks,
SJ Dear Samad,
Apologies for the inconvenience. Please kindly view the email that was sent out today to all challenge participants. The computation of the p-values have been disabled until after the challenge, therefore all the p-values from today and onward will be shown as -1.
Could you report to me the submissionIds and not the synapse Ids of the submissions. I can't seem to find any duplicates right now on the leaderboards.
Thomas Hi Thomas,
I did these two submissions syn7201043 & syn7201090 that are duplicated. For the second one learderboard showing results but pvalues are -1. Can you please ignore the other submission if it is gonna be scored?
Also, is it possible that leadrboard score of syn7201090 is not accurate?
SJ Dear Thomas,
I got confirmation emails just now. And I found that a lot of new submission scores, including our results, were appeared in the leaderboard.
Motoki Dear Motoki,
I apologize for the inconvenience. However, I actually can't seem to find your submission in the submission queues. What is your team name? The biggest issue is how long it takes a submission to be scored, and the scoring harness only runs every 30 minutes if the previous validation/scoring round isn't running. Therefore, there is quite a buildup of submissions waiting to be validated / scored.
Thomas Dear Thomas,
Are there any problems or a lot of submissions in the scoring server?
I did not receive any confirmation emails of our several predictions I submitted around seven hours ago.
I guess leaderboards haven't updated since that time.
Many thanks.
Thank you Thomas!
SJ Dear SJ,
Apologies for the inconvenience. The scoring harness is set to run every 30 minutes now (not 15) due to issues that people have been facing.
To the brief, every 30 minutes the scoring harness will look for received submissions, and validate/score them. However due the scoring taking large amount of time for each submission, if the scoring harness is still running after 30 minutes, it will skip a round of scoring and validation. Due to this, please kindly give your submissions 2 to 3 hours to be scored. Thanks in advance for your patience.