Challenge Participants- By now some of you may have noticed that the scores in Leaderboards 1 and 2 have changed. Unfortunately, we discovered a bug in the scoring harness that was causing an issue matching by SAMPLEIDs, which affected the scoring calculations. Please note that this did not affect Subchallenge 3. We are currently re-running the p-value permutations, but the actual scores in the Leaderboards should now be correct. We apologize for any confusion this has caused and would like to give you the opportunity to select alternate choices for your "official" submissions, and update your submission materials (write-up, predictor lists, LOOCVs and Permutations) accordingly, but we will not be allowing additional leaderboard submissions at this time. We also ask that you update your write-ups by including the Submission ID of your official submissions as demonstrated in the table in the updated write-up template. We have re-opened the Predictor Lists and LOOCVs folders, so that you can update your files in these folders accordingly. Please be sure to remove or replace your old files. The deadline for changes will be September 28th at 3pm PDT. We have scheduled another webinar for Tuesday, September 20th at 9am PDT where we will discuss analyses, test data, and travel award applications. Please click the following link to register: Once again, we apologize for any confusion caused.

Created by Solveig Sieberts sieberts

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