

Created By Robin Schroll raschroll

UID: SC14-069_Teratoma
Race: unknown
Gender: female
public: true
Disease: unknown
exclude: false
pass_qc: true
Donor_ID: D023
Genotype: not determined
dataType: Teratoma
fileType: image
Cell_Type: PSC
Ethnicity: unknown
dataSubType: H and E
Host_Species: human
PrimaryStain: Hematoxylin and Eosin
Cell_Line_Type: iPSC
Diffname_short: SC
TeratomaNumber: 1
C4_Cell_Line_ID: SC14-069
Donor_Phenotype: unknown
Originating_Lab: Zambidis
Donor_Life_Stage: newborn
Tissue_of_Origin: umbilical cord blood
Culture_Conditions: Stromal non-primed
Originating_Lab_ID: 4F CB-iPSC-MSC, LZ6-1
C4_Karyotype_Result: normal
Cell_Type_of_Origin: CD34+ cells
PCBC_Cell_Line_Name: PCBC03hsi2014031101
biologicalSampleName: SC14-069_SC_Teratoma
Reprogramming_Vector_Type: plasmid
Donor_ID_is_High_Confidence: true
Reprogramming_Gene_Combination: OSKM
Other_Significant_Contributors_to_line_generation: Ludovic Zimmerlin

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