Can I submit my docker mirror now? While attempting to submit my Docker for evaluation, I encountered the following error: "You are not currently participating in an Evaluation/Challenge. Please join one and try again." However, I have already registered for the challenge.
Created by Hairong Jin RickyR hello,
I cannot submit and mention:
The given date is outside the time range allowed for submissions.
Thank you! hello @wuhuikai, I'have fixed the issue now. I'have ensured that this issue won't occur again. Thank you for your patience ! @oussama.smaoui hi, I made a submission just now, and the /input was empty. Could you please help me to fix this issue? Hello @nnistelrooij,
Sorry for the issue! I?ve just fixed it, and the /input folder should now be properly populated.
Please try again and let me know if everything is working as expected.
Best regards,
Thank you for extending the submission deadline!
I have been able to submit an accepted entry.
However, the _/input_ folder was empty.
Could you identify the issue?
Best regards, Hello,
Thank you for reaching out. I?ve just extended the submission deadline, so you should be able to submit your entry now.
Best regards,
I was able to submit it sucess before. But now I meet the same issue when I submit to the challenge:
The given date is outside the time range allowed for submissions.
This may require contacting the administrator @oussama.smaoui. Dear,
@RickyR Could you tell me what fixed your issue? Thank you!
I believe I have now identified the issue of my submission. However, I am getting the following recurring error before submitting:
_The given date is outside the time range allowed for submissions._
Would it be possible to resolve this error, as before?
Best regards Dear @RickyR @nnistelrooij ,
Could you please share your Dockerfile and main process file with me for review? You can send them to me at
Best regards, Dear @fussenChengDu @sunyuan789 ,
Thank you for bringing the issue to our attention. I am pleased to inform you that the CUDA-related issue has now been resolved. You are welcome to test your solutions again by submitting them.
If you encounter any further issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Best regards,
RuntimeError: Found no NVIDIA driver on your system. Please check that you have an NVIDIA GPU and installed a driver from
is there no NVIDIA GPU to run the docker images? Dear Admin,
While testing locally, my '' script runs successfully.
But when installing pointnet ops repository and use CUDA, the error raise.
OSError: CUDA_HOME environment variable is not set. Please set it to your CUDA install root.
the Dockerfile below
FROM pytorch/pytorch:2.1.0-cuda11.8-cudnn8-runtime
WORKDIR /usr/local/bin
COPY code/ .
RUN apt-get update
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "libsm6", "libxext6", "libxrender-dev", "libgl1-mesa-glx"]
RUN python -m pip install --user -rrequirements.txt
# WORKDIR /usr/local/bin
WORKDIR pointnet2_ops_lib
RUN python install
ENTRYPOINT [ "python" ]
CMD [ "" ]
Dear Admin,
While testing locally, my '' script runs successfully.
And I can get the contents of 'output/predictions.csv' with
docker run --rm \
-v $SCRIPTPATH/output/:/output/ \
python:3.10-slim python3 -c "import csv, sys; read_csv = lambda f: list(csv.reader(open(f))); f1 = read_csv('/output/predictions.csv'); print(f1)"
However, upon submitting my Docker image to the challenge platform, I encounter an error stating "Exception: No 'predictions.csv' file written to /output."
Could this issue be related to the settings for the '/output' path in the ?
Thank you for your time and assistance. Hello,
I have been able to verify that my Docker container is working locally, even if the root file system is read-only.
However, I have cloned the [Git repository]( and ran _test.sh_ and it is not working correctly. I am seeing the following error:
``` shell
scan to process: ['/input/QOCAWJXM_upper.obj']
loading scan : QOCAWJXM_upper
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 128, in
File "", line 124, in process
self.write_output(predictions_list=landmarks_predicted, output_dir='/output')
File "", line 53, in write_output
with open(f'{output_dir}/predictions.csv', mode='w', newline='') as file:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/output/predictions.csv'
Tests successfully passed...
Would it be possible for you to identify the problem?
Thank you! Hello,
The "/output" directory has both read and write access. The [docker-reference-submission]( works correctly and only saves predictions in a CSV file at /output (without the need for intermediate or temporary results).
Could you verify if your Docker container is working correctly on your localhost? I suggest testing it with the script.
Best regards, Hello,
The workflow of the Docker submission failed with the following error:
_PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/output/matplotlib-7a2bx91z'_
When running the Docker container, it seems the root filesystem is read-only and I cannot save files to _/output_.
Could you identify what the problem is?
Thank you! Hello,
Thank you! I was able to submit my Docker image to the challenge. Hello,
Thank you for reaching out again!
I have identified the issue, and it has now been resolved.
Please try again, and let me know if you encounter any further problems!
Thank you!
Thank you for your fast response!
After selecting the 3DTeethLand challenge, writing a submission name, and clicking Next, I am now getting the following message:
_The given date is outside the time range allowed for submissions._
Would it be possible for you to identify what the problem is?
Thank you! Hello @nnistelrooij @RickyR ,
I wanted to let you know that I have resolved the issue you mentioned. The problem should now be fixed.
If you encounter any further issues or need additional assistance, please let me know!
Thank you! Hello,
I am experiencing the same problem as @RickyR.
I can select the _latest_ tag of my Docker image.
After clicking on Next, I get an error message saying "_You are not currently participating in an Evaluation/Challenge. Please join one and try again._"
Would it be possible for you to try to replicate the problem using a participant account?
Thank you! It looks like the issue might be related to the tag version selection. Make sure that you have select the tag of your Docker image correctly before submitting and then click next. ${imageLink?synapseId=syn62011220&align=None&scale=100&responsive=true&altText=} I cannot enter this step.
When I click 'submit docker to challenge'. 'Select the commit below that you would like to submit:'. I need to select the Tag to submit.
This error message appears when I click 'Next'. After pushing your Docker image to your project repository, you can click 'Submit Docker Repository to Challenge.' Have you selected '3DTeethLand-Preliminary Test Phase' as shown in the image below? ${imageLink?synapseId=syn62010775&align=None&scale=100&responsive=true&altText=} Yes, I followed this Submission Instructions, and encountered this error message at the final step of 'submitting the Docker repository to the challenge'. Hello,
Have you followed the instructions described [here]( ?
Oussama SMAOUI