
Created By pencodeadmin

phase: I
grants: R21MH102791
tissue: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
methods: syn6173961 syn5843155
species: Human
dataTypes: Genomic Variants Chromatin Activity
diagnosis: Schizophrenia
studyType: Individual
studyDescription: Using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS), the LIBD-WGBS study is characterizing cell type-specific DNA methylation in postmortem human brain samples across neocortical development. WGBS data are integrated with transcriptomic data from the same samples to explore the epigenetic effects of methylation on gene expression, and to gain insight into the etiology of neurodevelopmental diseases such as schizophrenia.
nucleicAcidSource: sorted nuclei
numberOfIndividuals: 44
contributingInstitution: Lieber Institute for Brain Development

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