Adekkanattu Journal of biomedical informatics - J Biomed Inform 2024 (Pubmed ID 38621641)


Created By Nicholas Lee nicholas.lee

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2024.104642
year: 2024
grant: R56AG069880
title: Identifying social determinants of health from clinical narratives: A study of performance, documentation ratio, and potential bias.
Program: ACTDRx AD
authors: Adekkanattu P Bian J Chang CY Dang C George TJ Gopal Patra B Guo Y Hogan WR Lo-Ciganic WH Pathak J Peng C Peng Y Wilson DL Wu Y Yang X Yu Z
journal: Journal of biomedical informatics - J Biomed Inform
pubmed_id: 38621641

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