Hello - so I was wondering whether the Probe_annotation.csv contains the information for a single patient only? The shape of Probe Annotation is (865859, 52), 865859 are different probes for detecting methylation. Shape of DetectionP_subchallenge2.csv is (865859, 1743) contains datapoints for 1743 patients. Is there any reason why probe annotation file might have added here - since , if I am correct, it contains datapoints of a single patient only. Thanks.

Created by Mohammad Rahman mohammad
Hi Mohammad, The Probe_annotation.csv file contains annotations for the 865,859 probes on the Illumina 850K/EPIC methylation arrays, including genomic locations and information on neighboring or overlapping genes. This file is not specific to any single patient but is instead related to the array used for analyzing the methylome. Therefore, the probe annotation file is the same for all patients analyzed with the 850K array. In contrast, detection p-values provide a statistical measure to assess the reliability of the observed methylation signals, and the detection p-value for a particular CpG probe will vary between different patients. Therefore, the DetectionP_subchallenge2.csv file includes detection p-values for these probes across 1,742 patients. Thank you, Gaurav

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