Hello, Could you please clarify the number of allowed submissions for each sub-challenge? So far, I have found the following information in the "Sub-challenges" section under the "Assessment" heading: "_Each team may submit up to 5 models to the leaderboard._" - Is that per sub-challenge or in total? However in the "Submission Tutorial - Docker" section, under the "Submission limit" heading it says that "_For this Challenge, there is a limit of 10 scored submissions for each sub-challenge, with the last submission being used for final ranking._" Could you please state the exact number of submissions allowed per sub-challenge? Additionally, am I right in understanding that given N allowed submissions, the first N-1 should be used for "testing" purposes and the best-performing one should be re-submitted as the Nth model to ensure that the last one, which will be assessed on the final test set is, in fact, the best one? Thank you in advance!

Created by Orsolya Pipek opipek
Dear Gaurav, Thank you for getting back to me so soon and for clearing this up!
Hi Thank you for pointing out the inconsistency. The number of submissions listed in the "Assessment" section was indeed an error, and it has been corrected. Each team/participant is allowed up to **10 submissions** per sub-challenge. You are correct in understanding that the last submission you make will be used for the final scores. Therefore, using the first N-1 submissions for testing purposes and re-submitting your best-performing model as the Nth submission is a sound strategy. Apologies for any confusion, and thank you again for bringing this to our attention. Gaurav Bhatti

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