Hi everyone, Several participants have encountered the following error: `exec /bin/sh: exec format error`. This error typically occurs when the program inside the Docker container is built for a different architecture than the one on which it is being executed. Most commonly, this issue arises for participants using Apple machines with ARM architecture, while the Docker container is intended to run on an x86_64-based system. **Solution**: To address this issue, you can either: 1) Build your Docker image on a Windows or Linux machine that uses the x86_64 architecture. 2) Utilize Docker's buildx feature to create a multi-platform image. For instance, the command below has successfully resolved the issue for one of the participants: ``` docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t docker.synapse.org/project-id/docker-image --push . ``` For detailed instructions on building multi-platform Docker images, please visit the Docker documentation: https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/ Thank you for your participation in the challenge! Best regards, Gaurav Bhatti

Created by gaurav bhatti dw1227synapse

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