Hi, I had submitted to both the leaderboard and final round 19 hours ago. I have received confirmation of scoring for the leaderboard submissions, but nothing yet from the final round. Below are the IDs for those submissions as part of team **ChiP Shape**. F.ATF2.HepG2.tab.gz|syn7339605 F.CTCF.PC-3.tab.gz|syn7339607 F.E2F1.K562.tab.gz|syn7339609 F.EGR1.liver.tab.gz|syn7339611 F.FOXA1.liver.tab.gz|syn7339613 F.FOXA2.liver.tab.gz|syn7339616 F.HNF4A.liver.tab.gz|syn7339618 F.JUND.liver.tab.gz|syn7339620 F.MAX.liver.tab.gz|syn7339622 F.REST.liver.tab.gz|syn7339624 Thanks!

Created by Peter DeFord pdeford
Hi Peter, We have noted your submission ids and we will make sure everything gets taken care of properly. As you have seen, there have been issues with the systems scoring and sending out emails. We will be in contact if there are any issues. Thanks Jim

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