Dear Organizers I have got an error (listed below) for one of my submissions, the rest 13 are posted as valid. Half an hour before the deadline I remade a prediction, uploaded file to the new place and resubmit it. I haven't got any reply regarding its status. Can you check it? submission name: submission ID: 7345154 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 160, in score_worker score, message = conf.score_submission(submission) File "/srv/scratch/nboley/EncodeChallenge/", line 237, in score_submission result = score_main(new_filepath) File "/srv/scratch/nboley/EncodeChallenge/", line 329, in score_main labels_fname, submission_fname, label_index) File "/srv/scratch/nboley/EncodeChallenge/", line 216, in verify_file_and_build_scores_array s_line = next(submitted_fp_iter) File "/users/nboley/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 464, in readline c = File "/users/nboley/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 268, in read self._read(readsize) File "/users/nboley/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 315, in _read self._read_eof() File "/users/nboley/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 354, in _read_eof hex(self.crc))) IOError: CRC check failed 0xf1fb9f71 != 0x5fbba0fcL

Created by Ramil Nurtdinov n.ramil
I have forwarded the e-mail with error to the address you asked.
Dear Ramil Nurtdinov, to allow us to do a quick check, please send the submission that led to an error separately to Cheers, Robert

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