Hi, Not sure if others noticed or experienced issues with this, but I wanted to point out that on some challenge pages the IMR90 cell line is written as "IMR-90". Specifically on this page, https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn6131484/wiki/402034, in the data table, for example. All of the training label files (for TFs that we have IMR90 labels for) have column headers of "IMR-90" as well. However, for the IMR90 DNase and RNAseq files, the files are named with "IMR90", without the dash. It's a pretty small thing, but I didn't notice it for a while, so it ended up being pretty annoying to fix -- I don't want others to experience the same! The easiest fix is probably to just change the DNase/RNAseq filenames to IMR-90 instead of IMR90, especially since most external documentation I could find includes the dash.

Created by Rajiv Movva rmovva
Thanks, Jim -- the only issue is that the ChIPseq label files (used for training) have column headers of IMR-90, with a dash. I guess if it's nontrivial to fix this then it's probably fine to just leave it as-is.
Hi Rajiv, it is much easier for us to change the wiki pages, so I have updated the Synpase page you mentioned to now read, IMR90, without the dash to be consistent. Thanks for pointing this out. Cheers, Jim

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