I am re-downloading some data by using "synapse" command. However, I cannot complete that, because of the following error. Does anyone know the way to solve this problem?
synapse get -r syn6176232
Synapse username: 'my username'
Password for rhelixa-nakaki:
Welcome, 'my username'!
WARNING: This entity has access restrictions. Please visit the web page for this entity (syn.onweb("syn7113332")). Click the downward pointing arrow next to the file's name to review and fulfill its download requirement(s).
Created by Ryo Nakaki rhelixa-nakaki Thanks, Thomas. Based on your advice, I completely downloaded all the data. Dear Ryo,
There are access restrictions on the files you want to download. Please kindly go here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn6112317 and accept the terms of use. Click on the (show) next to the **Conditions for use:**. Please kindly view this page: http://docs.synapse.org/articles/contribute_and_access_controlled_use_data.html#how-do-you-access-data-with-conditions-for-use for more information if you can't find what button to push.