I want to download the data using python script and I get this error:
Welcome, bharata1803@gmail.com!
Make sure you've accepted the terms of use before running this script!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "download_challenge_data.py", line 38, in
folder = syn.get(folder_id)
File "/home/bharata/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/synapseclient/client.py", line 689, in get
raise SynapseUnmetAccessRestrictions(warning_message)
WARNING: This entity has access restrictions. Please visit the web page for this entity (syn.onweb("syn6181334")). Click the downward pointing arrow next to the file's name to review and fulfill its download requirement(s).
This is the first time I try to join DREAM challenge so I'm still not familiar. Anyone can help me solve this problem?
Created by Bharata Kalbuaji barbarian Please note that not all the data is needed to address the challenge, specifically the BAM files are summarized in data files that are downloadeable. The original scripts listed all the data for download, but note that the scripts have been updated to add a bit more documentation onto how to download the data and speciflcally note the essential data, which is additionally defined in the Data Description section of the Challenge pages. Hi Jim:
Got it. Thank you for the update and thanks for your help on the scripts!
Yi-An Hi Yi-An,
The scripts have been updated to reflect this error. The scripts were written prior to some last minute file updates that were made, but they should be working properly now.
Jim Hi @barbarian:
I notice that you also use the python script to download the data. Our team just encountered some problems when downloading the data and we would like other teams to avoid that. If you find out that the folder of ChIP-seq peak and DNASE-peak directory contains nothing after running the script, you might try to change the folder_ids:
We discovered that the download threads for ChIP-seq peaks (syn6181336) and DNASE-peaks (syn6176234) will get nothing.
Change the IDs into their sub-directory IDs, ChIP-seq (syn6181337, syn6181338) and DNASE-peaks (syn6176235, syn6176236) will do the work.
Hope this can help you, cheers!
Yi-An Thank you very much. It is working right now. Hi Bharata,
You must first be registered for the challenge and second agree to the data use conditions. Once you have registered, go to the Files tab and click on the "Challenge Data" folder. You will see an orange button on the top that reads "See unmet conditions" click it and then agree to the terms. Downloading from scripts or from the website should work after that.
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Got error while downloading datga using python script page is loading…