Created by John Reid Epimetheus Hi Epimetheus,
The first 10 columns correspond to a standard narrowPeak file. The next 10 columns are:
localIDR float -log10(Local IDR value)
globalIDR float -log10(Global IDR value)
rep1_chromStart int
The starting position of the feature in the chromosome or scaffold for common replicate 1 peaks, shifted based on offset. The first base in a chromosome is numbered 0.
rep1_chromEnd int
The ending position of the feature in the chromosome or scaffold for common replicate 1 peaks. The chromEnd base is not included in the display of the feature.
rep1_signalValue float
Signal measure from replicate 1. Note that this is determined by the --rank option. e.g. if --rank is set to signal.value, this corresponds to the 7th column of the narrowPeak, whereas if it is set to p.value it corresponds to the 8th column.
rep1_summit int
The summit of this peak in replicate 1.
rep2_chromEnd int
The ending position of the feature in the chromosome or scaffold for common replicate 1 peaks. The chromEnd base is not included in the display of the feature.
rep2_signalValue float
Signal measure from replicate 1. Note that this is determined by the --rank option. e.g. if --rank is set to signal.value, this corresponds to the 7th column of the narrowPeak, whereas if it is set to p.value it corresponds to the 8th column.
rep2_summit int
The summit of this peak in replicate 1.
I describe this format in some detail on the IDR website (
Best, Nathan