The Roh's lab has previously converted some of their dna shape data files into bigwig format.
This may be useful for folks who don't want to mess around DNAShapeR
Created by Lawrence Du LawrenceDu They are bigwig files. You can use the same tools we list on the Synapse wiki for dealing with bigwig files.
-Anshul. how to open these .bw files? I also have a script that will convert *fa.Roll, *fa.MGW, *fa.HelT, and *fa.ProT files generated by DNAshapeR into a chunked HDF5 format if anyone is interested. Yes. It was generated using the same method in DNAShapeR. So its fine to use the pre-generated file.
-Anshul. Dear Anshul,
So we can directly use the bigwig file instead of computing DNA shape features using DNAshapeR, right?
Yichao Yes. Thanks. We will update the wiki to add it to the DNAshape resource.