I still have an issue with submitting files to the challenge due to an "conflicting submissions" error.
On Friday, I've accidentially submitted a file (L.MAFK.K562.tab.gz) as an individial instead of as BlueWhale-team
and I'd like to delete that and resubmit it as the BlueWhale-team.
I've already posted this issue to the "Conflicting submissions" thread, but did not get a response yet.
In general, where do people need to turn to if they face this issue?
To the discussion forum or am I supposed to turn to a specific person for help regarding that matter?
Also, would it be possible to just not offer the radio-button selection
to decide for submission as individual or team if this causes an error?
Wolfgang Kopp
Created by Wolfgang Kopp wkopp Hi Bruce and James, I've come up with the same issue with this submission
submission name: F.JUND.liver.tab.gz
submission id: 7323357
Would you please mark it as invalid, so that I can update my files again?
The same with these other 4:
F.E2F1.K562.tab.gz 7323366
F.GABPA.liver.tab.gz 7323128
F.MAX.liver.tab.gz 7323318
F.REST.liver.tab.gz 7322723
Much appreciated! OK Wolfgang, your submission has been marked invalid
The submission id was 7282042 for L.MAFK.K562.tab.gz. Thank you! Hi Wolfgang, can you post the submission id for your individual submission, then we can invalidate it. > I still have an issue with submitting files to the challenge due to an "conflicting submissions" error.
> On Friday, I've accidentially submitted a file (L.MAFK.K562.tab.gz) as an individial instead of as BlueWhale-team
> and I'd like to delete that and resubmit it as the BlueWhale-team.
The corrective action is for the challenge administration to mark your unintentional individual submission as 'invalid'. You should then be able to submit on behalf of your team. I have requested this corrective action.
> In general, where do people need to turn to if they face this issue?
> To the discussion forum or am I supposed to turn to a specific person for help regarding that matter?
We ask that you direct your request for help to the discussion forum, as you have done in this case.
> Also, would it be possible to just not offer the radio-button selection
> to decide for submission as individual or team if this causes an error?
A change we could make is to disable the 'team' submission choice when you have submitted as an individual in the current round (and vice versa). That's not a bad idea but would not correct your immediate problem.
Drop files to upload
Issue with submitting to challenge page is loading…