It's been >12h since my latest submission to the final round, but I didn't get email notification, nor can I see if my final-round submission is validated online. When updating some of the files I receive error message: "Has a conflicting submission" online. Using R code to submit failed too, with error message:
Uploaded 100.0%
Error: HTTP Error: 403 for request https://repo-prod.prod.sagebase.org/repo/v1/evaluation/submission?etag=352fce35-eb68-4ec2-9dd2-a01727605fa6&submissionEligibilityHash=1233730156
{"reason":"The following Team members are ineligible to contribute to a Submission in the specified Evaluation at this time [3342758]"}
I checked other submitted files, and now they all have this issue if I click submitted to final round (no problem in leaderboard) Would you please help me to check this? I've posted this issue in a reply >12 hours ago but get no response yet. Thank you!
Created by Tianlei Xu StanleyXu We are receiving and validating final round submissions but Synapse notifications dont seem to be going out and the table isnt being updated. We are trying to fix this. Rest assured, we will work with every team to make sure we have their final submissions. Please keep a note of the synIDs of your submissions. Also only submit updated submissions. Dont submit duplicates because you have not heard back.
Anshul. Hi Anshul,
It's been more than 20h since my submission to final round, and <8 hours to the extended deadline. Still I got no response. I noticed from other threads that you requested IDs of the non-responding submissions. However, without a confirmation email the IDs are not available either. Below is a list of my submissions that I didn't get confirmation yet. Please let me know if they are successfully submitted, or I need to take further actions.
Thank you! Thank you Thomas and Anshul, it works now. Thank you for all your efforts for this challenge! Dear Tianlei,
Apologies for the delay. The submission has been made invalid.
Thomas @nboley @thomas.yu Can you invalidate this submission. Thanks!
Thank you Anshul, I still have this problem. I can't make any submission to final round as part of the team. Is it possible that the reason is I accidently made this submission as "individual"?
7323745 Tianlei Xu VALIDATED
I asked in another post to mark this submission as invalid; however this is still not solved. Would you please help me to check this? Thank you! Working to reset this! Thanks for your patience.
Drop files to upload
"Has a conflicting submission" as a team page is loading…