Dear Organizers I am experiencing a problem: Validation error in submission to ENCODE-DREAM Transcription Factor Binding Site Prediction Challenge (LEADERBOARD) submission name: submission ID: 7326418 The submitted filename ( does not match expected naming pattern '[0-9\.]*([LFB])\.(.+?)\.(.+?).tab.gz$' You see that I am sending the file without any (2). However it looks like the file was somehow copied with new name instead of replacing. I also experienced this problem for submission name: submission ID: 7319264 The submitted filename ( does not match expected naming pattern '[0-9\.]*([LFB])\.(.+?)\.(.+?).tab.gz$' ------ Is it possible to close only Leaderboard this night? Or, alternatively, consider the FinalRound files we upload to Synapse before the midnight as a valid and score the final predictions after? Ramil

Created by Ramil Nurtdinov n.ramil
Sorry about that. Could you hold off submissions for ~5 hours. We probably need to flush the queue and restart it. We have extended the deadline to Sunday Oct 2 midnight Pacific time to account for these technical issues with getting submissions in. -Anshul.
same error with 5 submissions
That issue is now fixed. Please try again. We are going to extend the deadline to Sunday midnight Pacific Time to account for all these issues. -Anshul.
I also got the same same error with this particular file submission

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