It seems the problem is still there.
submission name:
submission ID: 7337127
The submitted filename ( does not match expected naming pattern '[0-9\.]*([LFB])\.(.+?)\.(.+?).tab.gz$'
BTW, I submitted a final round file yesterday night (24 hours ago) and never got any email telling me whether it was valid or not.
Thank you,
Created by yichao li unfashionable The resubmission from previous upload still reports a naming error (id 7338730). Still waiting on the freshly-uploaded one. Ok. Thats good. If the final round submissions got validated anyway, that likely means the fix is working. But we'll double check. We'll remove the other leaderboard files corresponding to the IDs you sent.
Anshul. Here are the submission IDs. 7324252 7324330 7324374 7327106 7327127 7327139 7333963 7333961 7333964 7337199 7337203 7337201
These are all leaderboard. Apparently leelavati got a similar (1) error with two final-round submissions, but those eventually got validated anyway, so not including them. @rsidd120 @leelavati Sure. Please provide the IDs. @thomas.yu or someone else from Synapse/SAGE will delete them.
Will do. Would it be possible for you to remove any stale leaderboard files in the scoring system from our side (submitted by either me or @leelavati )? We can send you a list of submission IDs if you like. The renaming pattern (1), (2) etc sounds like what could happen when old files are not deleted successfully. @rsidd120 Best to resubmit when the queues reopen. We are totally overloaded and things might slip through if we have do things manually. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Anshul, thanks, will let you know if it is scored or if it fails. The previous submissions that failed because of filename are, I assume, out of the scoring queue now? Would I need to resubmit them when you reopen the queue or will it be done automatically? @rsidd120 Ok let me know if you see a renaming issue pop up with the new submissions. If not then I think we are all good and we just need to rename your previous submissions manually to get them to validate.
Okay. That's what I thought.
Thank you. No please dont start submitting yet. Wait for my email in a few hours.
I just wanted one test submission from Rahul to see if the problem recurs or whether its actually fixed and we just need to manually rename those older file submissions.
-Anshul. I just did one resubmit of existing upload, and one reupload+submit. so can we resubmit now? Also, I meant to say two posts above, "Saturday morning, possibly Friday night in California" and not what I wrote!
Should I reupload, or submit one from existing uploads? Can you try a new one and let me know if you get the same message. We can manually fix the other ones. But this should really not be happening any more unless Synapse is really doing something totally mysterious.
-Anshul. Anshul, these are submission IDs 7337215, 7337256, 7337258. The first was a re-upload that I mentioned above (ie, it should be a new file), a little before Nathan wrote "As far as I can tell, final submissions are being scored." The other two were resubmissions of previous uploads, after Nathan wrote that post. Rahul,
Are these new submissions or older ones before Nathan confirmed that its been fixed? Do you mean that we simply need to rename your old files to get them into the scoring queue? Or did a new submission just get renamed automatically as well.
Anshul. Will hold off more submissions as Anshul asks in his mail, but just wanted to say the filename problem is still there on my three leaderboard submissions yesterday (ie Sunday morning, possibly Saturday night in California), Including the one that I deleted and re-uploaded. So the queues are definitely getting scored. We've paused the leaderboard for a bit until the final round queue catches up and gets cleared since that is more urgent. We'll restart the leaderboard scoring soon. We are also trying to increase the number of instances so we can score faster. Final round submissions seem to be getting scored (including one from today), but leaderboard is still stalled. Given that leaderboard has been mostly stalled since some time on Thursday, hoping it will get enabled soon too? Confirmation mails are slowly starting to come in, so it indeed seems to be in working order. Thanks Nathan! My teammate just received a validation for a final round submission from yesterday. I'm still waiting on leaderboard submissions from today. We submitted four files (2 Leader and 2 Final round) within the last 6 hours, we did not receive any message so far. I hope it is just slow and not broken again. Yeah let's wait until the morning to check with Nathan as to how many went through. I think the queue is long. Going to try to have Synapse folks add more compute as well.
Sorry again.
Anshul Over two hours now, submissions not scored or rejected -- neither leaderboard nor final. Maybe the system is just slow, otherwise I guess it will have to wait for morning in California. What about the leaderboard, are those being scored? As far as I can tell, final submissions are being scored. Ok thanks. I believe the queue has reopened and several stalled submissions are being rescored. @nboley Can you confirm.
My last submission (forcible reupload after slightly changing the file) is still pending. No score, no rejection message. @rsidd120 Can you let us know if your submissions are going through. If so then we can verify that the problem is fixed. Then others can also resume submissions. Thanks!
7337201 (I just tried re-uploading that with a minor change to force re-upload; let's see); 7337203; 7337199 @rsidd120 Do you know what the submission ID is? I am getting the same filename error. Only difference is the error came instantaneously, where it used to take half an hour earlier. @unfashionable Can you please try now? Yeah, the new deadline is very helpful.
I just want to point it out that the issue is still not fixed.
I believe @akundaje posted yesterday saying they will notify us after the problem is fixed. I haven't seen any notification after that. So presumably the problem is not fixed. But they have given us an additional 48 hours.
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Still have the naming issue: does not match expected naming pattern '[0-9\.]*([LFB])\.(.+?)\.(.+?).tab.gz$' page is loading…