Dear Organizers, First of all thank you for organizing the disease module identification challenge. We are glad to finish the challenge with great experience. One thing I want to ask is that wouldn't it be a problem if we upload the challenge data files in submission code zip? I am asking is there any regulation to refer the challenge data file as Synapse API in submission code? Thank you SungjoonPark

Created by Sungjoon Park Sungjoon
Dear Organizers, I understand. Thank you for the clarification. Thank you, SungjoonPark
Thinking about this, actually it would be preferred to *not* include the network files in the zip. It doesn't make much sense that each of the teams uploads a copy of the challenge networks. Instead you can choose one of the following options: * Include instructions where the network files should be put (e.g., "download the networks of sub-challenge 1 and put them in the directory _data/subchallenge1/_") * Include an option that allows the network directory to be specified (e.g., "--networkdir path/to/network/directory/") * Use the Synapse API to download the network files. Best Daniel
Hi, You are supposed to prepare a write-up following the template explained here:!Synapse:syn6156761/wiki/406631 I don't know what you exactly mean by challenge data but if it is the code and related files, they all can be submitted as a zip file to the synapse. Sarvenaz

Question:Challenge Data files in Submission code page is loading…