Dear Challenge Participants We had a great conference in Phoenix, thanks for your contribution. We are now working on sharing the main resources of the challenge with interested teams. This includes: - The networks (anonymized and original versions) - The submissions of all teams (e.g., to explore ensemble predictions; including the real gene names) - Full results (enrichment p-value for each module and GWAS) - The GWAS datasets - The Pascal version used for the scoring - Scripts to compute the NS score from the Pascal output Note that scoring with Pascal is not as simple as clicking a button. It is only practical if you use a computing cluster, and you will have to write your own scripts to launch the Pascal jobs on your cluster. You can then adapt our scripts to compute the NS score from the output files of Pascal. These resources will be shared confidentially pre-publication only with teams who request access. Results must not be used in publications before the main challenge paper is accepted for publication. **In order to request access, the principal investigator or senior team member may contact me by email (** I should have everything ready to share tomorrow. Best Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach
Dear Daniel, Would it be possible to share the data and evaluation scripts for DREAM Module Identification Challenge? I am the leader of team RESHAM and have asked you previously about the same. I have sent you a mail regarding the same. Regards,

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