Dear all   Just a quick update regarding our joint challenge paper. As is often the case when writing large papers, things took longer than expected. We did a lot of additional analysis to show that the modules are useful to gain biological insight and this worked really well. We have concluded analyses and finished the main figures, we are now working on the text and supplement. We'll share a draft as soon as possible.   Best Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach
Dear Consortium Members Great news, we have finally a draft ready to share. I will send it to all consortium members by the end of the day. Let me know if you haven't received it by tomorrow (December 20). Best Daniel
Hi Daniel, It has been more than 4 months since you last gave an update. Is there any news about the Cell paper? Regards, Raghvendra
Great. Thanks, Daniel. Cheers, Thuc.

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