We're still finalizing the integration of our scoring tools with the Synapse leaderboards, the leaderboard phase is now planned to open August 1st. Best Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach
Ahh, I see. Thank you for the clarification.
well... it didn't end. but it immediately entered the 'community phase' after data leak (rasperatoy virus). actually it was the first time from my interaction with the organizers when 'immediately' really means immediately happen. typically immediately (e.g. get back to you) means in two months, or forever....
@gyuanfan: Which challenge did you refer to that ended abruptly? Thanks, Andras
The challenge won't be postponed by a year :) But I agree that it would be better to have more time. However, at least our challenge is a standard problem - teams can work on their network module identification methods before the leaderboard opens and use standard benchmarks in the meantime. We're working hard to get it ready ASAP. --daniel
you can postpone to next year. the az challenge was postponed from last year. i feel so sorry for the organizers. one challenge abruptly ended due to data leek. for the two left it is questionable if there will be one finish in time...... ideally all challenges should run from dec to may, and then give organizers 2 months to score and validate, and give participants 3 months to prepare for the trip and then nov. the conference, during which time you can plan for your net year challenes.
We can't move the final submission deadline on October 1st because otherwise best performers wont' have enough time to organize their travel to the DREAM Conference. So I would still aim to start the second leaderboard phase, which will include the final set of networks, on September 1st. Note that the leaderboards are really just to allow teams to test their methods -- your ranking on the leaderboard doesn't matter for the final challenge performance / ranking. Best Daniel
Would you be considering moving the Sept 1st deadline for final submissions to phase1?

Leaderboard phase will open August 1st page is loading…