According to the wiki, "ModuleID has to be an integer value from 1 to number of predicted modules". However, in the example submission, only network 3 has modules starting from 1. All other networks have modules numbered from 0. Could you please confirm which convention we should use? (Would any numbering error render a submission invalid?)

Created by Dimitri Perrin dperrin
Thanks again for the clarification.
Hi Dimitri, Thanks for pointing out this inconsistency between the wiki and the sample submission. As explained on wiki the module id should start from 1. I will modify the sample submission files. Sarvenaz
Thanks @Sarv. From the differences between the wiki and the example, there were three options: - ModuleID must start at 1, and the example submission is invalid because of networks 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. - ModuleID must start at 0, and the wiki page is incorrect (and the example submission is invalid because of network 3). - it does not matter what value is used for the first ModuleID, and the example submission is valid (but the wiki page is incorrect). If it's the third as you suggest, it may be worth updating the wiki (in case I'm not the only one who got confused).
Hi, The submission format is explained on the wiki page:!Synapse:syn6156761/wiki/400661 please follow the convention explained on the wiki, the numbering of modules would not give invalid error though. The first columns has to be module id and the second has to be module score. List of genes in a modules is only counted from third column of each row. Sarvenaz

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