Thanks for the great participation in Round 1! We got a bunch of last minute submissions, scoring them will take about a day. We should be able to open Round 2 Tuesday evening. There will be 4 rounds in total. Details will be posted tomorrow. Best, Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach
We'll post information about the final submissions next week. The leaderboard set includes 76 GWASs, while the final set has 104 GWASs. --daniel
for the first question, yes, i was asking for final leaderboard, because i thought i already done with this project and move to the next one. i am so frustrated, now the scoring changed, i think i need to test again to ensure my team is within the top 10%.   for the second question: this is how i will use this, more GWAS-> more granularity and less pruning of the tree (smaller and more modules). less GWAS-> lower granularity and more pruning of the tree (bigger and less modules). because as i said, if you have infinite GWAS, then i will only have at most 89 significant ones, while someone submitted 3000 will have 3000, it all depends on how many in the final test.   of course, that's the most important factor determining ranking when moving from leaderboard phase to final test, and i think by knowing the number, we can focus on how much change we want to make instead of guessing how many gwas you are able to collect in a reasonable time..... the former is a more scientific question i think.
Hi Yuanfang I'm not sure I understood your first question, are you asking when the final submissions open, or the next leaderboard round? Regarding the second question, I wanted to discuss with the other organizers if we should release this information. How would you plan to use it? Best Daniel
hi, daniel,   1. is it possible to open the final test leaderboard now, and take the last valid submission?   i am worried some unpredictable events happening in the last few days and i cannot make the final submission, we would like to submit as we have a better version. it is also true for teams who tend to make last minute submission and then find out their submission is invalid. then you will have to extend deadline again and again.   2. would it be possible to release the final number of GWAS now? we are satisfied with our current method, but would like to adjust granularity slightly for the final test set based on gwas number.
Dear organizers, I'm glad you decided for sharing module size information after all. In addition, don't you consider sharing more information to the scoring, like (statistics of) p values for submissions? Thank you
PS: We also plan to share some results on module sizes tomorrow.

Round 2/4: Wednesday Sept 7 - Sunday Sept 11, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET) page is loading…