**Select the 'Round 2' queues when submitting your file:** * Module_Identification_subChallenge_1_Round_2 * Module_Identification_subChallenge_2_Round_2   Submission limits have been increased to: * Sub-challenge 1: **6 submissions per team** * Sub-challenge 2: **12 submissions per team**   **Round 2 closes Monday, September 12, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET)** We apologize for the tight schedule, we will do our best to start the next round without delay so that we'll have a full week for the following rounds.   Best, Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach
Just an update that our share/priority on the VitalIT cluster has been increased, wait time for evaluations to complete should now shorten. Best, Daniel
Dear all * **For now we proceed with Round 2 as planned, we will extend the deadline by at least 1 day (I'll announce Monday).** * We'll consider merging Rounds 3 and 4 in a single round that goes for two weeks and allows for twice the submissions. * I'm equally frustrated as you by the delays. It seems this week everything was working against us, including a power outage on the VitalIT computing cluster where the scoring is done and currently very few of our queued jobs are getting started on the cluster. I hope this will improve over night, otherwise I'll check in with the VitalIT admins first thing in the morning. I will also ask if our compute power / priority could be further increased. * The delay between Round 1 and Round 2 was because we changed the background and the problems with VitalIT. In following rounds there should be no break, I'll do my best that we can open the next round the minute that the previous round closed. Best Daniel
i agree with beethika, that's what i suggested, merge round 2-4 and give a total of 20 submissions each, probably 30 in sub2.   we could **strictly require teams to submit to final test set by Sep 30th **and open final test queue probably now, if some people submit too late and not able to see some of their leaderboard score as the feedback to test set, that's their own responsibility, because the queue is opened long ago, why can't one submit in time? as now everyone knows that there will be a delay of 2-5 days and towards the end even longer. this time delay should be within their plan.   but if it is running in phases, and in the end, only 3 days left to final submission. i am not even 100% sure i will be able to submit. who can guarantee that 3 days NOTHING happens?   or you could require all 20 submissions to be made by 9/24. and final submission by 9/30. then no body can complain they don't see enough feedback.   because **OBVIOUSLY the breaking time in between is a waste of time for everyone in this tight schedule**, at least 1.5 days last time after scoring was just used to transfer to the new leaderboard, which is still not active now. everytime we break to transit the phases, we have to lose some time, this is very obvious , i think   but squeeze in 3.5 days, that is equivalent to only 1-2 submission to me. especially, i submitted last night, and until now there is no score, that means this round we will only be able to acquire feedback on one submission.
We were worried that the window that you have given for round 2 is quite small given the scoring for subchallenge 2 is incorrect. Is it possible to extend it or to escalate the unused submissions in the next round? Whatever submissions that we prepared for round 2 were based on the results from the previous round. Since the scoring was incorrect, it puts us in a high disadvantage since we have to re-design all our algorithms. The same might be the case with most of the teams. We need more time to do this. We do understand that you need to finish the rounds so as to prepare for the conference. In that case, a carry-over of submissions to next round should be allowed.

Round 2 is now open -- SC1: *6* submissions, SC2: *12* submissions page is loading…