Dear organisers, I believe there is a bug in the submission system. My submission has been repeated 9 times (=9 different submissions) and I am now running out of the quota. I am not that crazy to submit the same file 9 times. Please have a check and more importantly I need my number of submissions back as soon as possible. Regards, Thuc.

Created by Thuc Le thucmi
I also received a double submission today, already contacted Sarvenaz Choobdar about it: entity id: syn7250383 7250385 Can you please remove the double submission. Thank you.
Thanks, Daniel and Sarvenaz.
PS: Bruce has told us that they have fixed the issue, so hopefully this problem will not occur anymore. --daniel
If you have douplicate submission, please send me an email with the list of duplicated submission. Thanks Sarvenaz
This has happened to another user as well, we have notified the Synapse team about this issue. @Sarv will set the duplicates to INVALID, which gives you back the quota. I forwarded your message to her. Users with the same problem can directly send an email to Sarvenaz. Best, Daniel

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