**Round 4 is already open** * Deadline is Sunday, September 25, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET) * Number of submissions per team: **8** for sub-challenge 1 and **12** for sub-challenge 2. * NOTE THAT THE NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS HAS BEEN INCREASED TO 8 FOR SUB-CHALLENGE 1 * Round 4 is the last leaderboard round before the final submissions. * Round 3 is still open until Tuesday, be sure to complete your submissions to Round 3 before submitting to Round 4. * The two rounds will be scored in parallel if we have enough compute power (currently we have free capacity, so this is a great time to make submissions). For those teams who already completed their training on the leaderboard rounds, we have already opened the final submission queue. Each team can make only 1 final submission, detailed instructions on how to submit the final predictions, write-ups and code will be posted next week.

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach
can round 4 be extended to 26th? because 25th is sunday, that means we will have to finish everything tomorrow. thanks a bunch, yuanfang
Yes, this is correct * All leaderboard rounds use the same GWAS set for evaluation (the leaderboard set). The final scoring is based on a different set of GWAS (the final test set). * For your analysis, you can consider the scores from Rounds 2-4 together. The most simple approach to make the final submission is to choose the best module prediction for each network across Rounds 2-4. (You should ignore the Test Round and Round 1 as the scoring script changed). * The final leaderboard table is just for teams to confirm that their submission was received and is valid. Results for the final submissions will not be shown until after the challenge closed and all submissions are made. You already know the score of your final submission on the leaderboard set from the leaderboard rounds, but you don't know yet how well it will do on the final test set. * More details will be posted next week.
Hi, Daniel, Just to make sure as all other DREAM challenges. Final submission table should not be disclosed before final deadline to avoid feedback from leaderboard and overfitting. also, to xinyu: round 1-3 are using the same data.
To avoid over-fitting, I think a better way is each team has one additional submission for round 2 (or either round 3) to check if the best performance is an overfitting result. Otherwise, the final submission should allow two more submissions to accommodate overfitting.
Hi Daniel, Each team can make only 1 final submission. What if the final submission is worse than one previous submission in Round 4? Can I assign the best one?

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