Hi Did anyone plan to merge individuals/teams for the final submissions? If so please contact us and briefly explain the motivation for merging teams. While we encourage meaningful collaborations between teams for method development, we do not want purely strategic alliances.   For example, a top team A on the protein networks could contact a top team B on the co-expression networks. They could then make a submission using method A for the protein networks and method B for the co-expression network without any real collaboration on method development. Such an alliance would potentially improve their chance to be the best performers, but it woudn't be helpful for the larger goal to gain insights from the challenge, because we would not have access to the predictions of both methods for all 6 netowrks.   Another example is merging of teams with the sole purpose to form meta-predictors (integrating the predictions of the teams). Again, it would be better to have the predictions of the individual methods as a resource, and then everybody who is interested can explore meta-predictors in a much more systematic way after the challenge closes. Of course, if a single team applied multiple methods and used a meta-predictor that's fine.   Best, Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach

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