Dear all   Just a reminder that early registration at the discounted rate for the DREAM Conference ends September 30. We hope to see many of you there for a fruitful discussion of the challenge results and the next steps. * [**RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics, with DREAM Challenges & Cytoscape Workshop**]( * [**Early registration**]( (until Saturday, September 30) * If you plan to attend the conference, we recommend that you register now to benefit from the discounted early registration rate. (Invited best performers will also have to pay the registration fee, they will then be reimbursed up to $1,500 for the registration and travel costs). * All participants with a valid final submission including write-up and code will be invited to submit a **pre-approved poster abstract by October 15**.   Thus, if you plan to attend the conference, register now at the discounted rate -- **if you are an invited best performer you will be reimbursed and give an oral presentation, otherwise you can still give a poster presentation**.   Best, Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach

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