Hi * The leaderboard phase of the challenge has finished and the results at multiple FDR cutoffs for all submissions have been shared [here](syn6156761/wiki/406649). * Deadline for final submission is Saturday, October 1st, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET). * **Please contact me by email now if it is a serious problem for you to meet this deadline** (daniel.marbach@gmail.com). We might consider extending it a bit if we get several desperate requests ;) Best, Daniel

Created by Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach
Ok, we can extend to October 8. Best, Daniel
Would it be possible to have a 1 day extension?
Would it be possible to have a 1 day extension on the writeup and code submission? Submitting October 8th would be a big help.
Hi, daniel, I couldn't upload my file properly. Can I send the zipfile to you directly? I have sent you an email

Leaderboard closed -- extension for final submissions needed? page is loading…