Processed Germline Variants (Strelka2)


Created By NF Service nf-osi-service

assay: whole genome sequencing
title: Germline variants in cutaneous neurofibroma
series: NF-OSI Processing Initiative
creator: NF-OSI
license: UNKNOWN
species: Homo sapiens
studyId: syn23664726
dataType: GermlineVariants
accessType: Private Access
contributor: Kavita Sarin Frank McCormick Jaishri O. Blakeley Xing Hu Carlos G. Romo
description: Germline variants were derived from whole genome sequencing data of normal tissue (saliva) contributed by a cohort with cutaneous neurofibromas. The current version of the dataset includes variant calls from data batches 1-4 (208 individuals total) obtained using Strelka2 from the nextflow Sarek workflow.
diseaseFocus: Neurofibromatosis type 1
fundingAgency: NTAP
manifestation: Cutaneous Neurofibroma
yearProcessed: 2024
yearPublished: 2024

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