Hello! I apologize in advance if this was clearly explain and I missed it in the text. We are answering the question of whether a person progressed or died in the 18 months post initial observation. There are four columns that pertain to this that I feel need additional clarification: 1. The two flags for death and progression - do we need either of these flags to be positive in order to have a positive observation (high risk case)? 2. How do we interpret cases where the progression or/and death times are smaller than 18*30 days and the corresponding flag/s are negative? Thanks!

Created by Ognjen Milicevic ognjen011
"I has been brought to our attention that this HR flag should have (D_PFS < 18*30.5 AND D_PFS_FLAG == 0) set to "UNKNOWN" or "CENSORED". This has been corrected and annotation files are updated." Can you please tell us what correction have been made on the files? because I downloaded the latest version of clinical data, and there is still censored HR_FLAG. Thanks
I has been brought to our attention that this HR flag should have (D_PFS < 18*30.5 AND D_PFS_FLAG == 0) set to "UNKNOWN" or "CENSORED". This has been corrected and annotation files are updated.
We have added a high risk flag to the clinical annotations files for ease.
Only the D_PFS and D_PFS_FLAG are needed to compute hight risk. if (D_PFS < 18*30.5 AND D_PFS_FLAG == 1) the patient is High Risk
So we're trying to predict `D_PFS_FLAG_18mo`?
Thanks for the questions. I've clarified the [Harmonized Clinical Dictionary](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn9744732) for the corresponding variables. It appears subjects MM-12-161 and MM-11-136 from the EMTAB4032 dataset were encoded incorrectly and will be removed from the set. D_OS|Overall Survival time: number of days from (trial randomization or diagnosis) to (death or last assessment). D_OS_FLAG|Is the patient deceased? D_OS_FLAG_18mo|Was death observed within the first 18 months after trial randomization of diagnosis? D_PFS|Progression-free survival: number of days from (trial randomization or diagnosis) to (disease progression, death, or last assessment). D_PFS_FLAG|Has the patient developed progressive disease or death since the last assessment date? D_PFS_FLAG_18mo|Was progression or death observed within the first 18 months after trial randomization of diagnosis?
Hi guys, I share the same questions as you do, and in addition, I have (at least it seems) another similar question on the interpretation of the columns: "D_Age" and "D_OS". I was trying to analyze the extent of the D_OS column, i.e. min and max number of survival days for all the diseased patients, and found out that a certain patient "MM-12-161" has survived for 31110 days (85.23 years). But, he was first diagnosed (D_Age) at 57... So the only plausible interpretation of the "D_OS" column is actually "number of survival days counting from patient's birth date", otherwise how could have someone survived for 85 years counting from when he was first diagnosed? However, the patient "GSM592666" has been diagnosed at the age of 55.3 with an overall survival time ("D_OS") 0 days... Which brings me to the(se) additional question(s): 3. D_OS - number of survival days starting from birth date, or starting from D_Age (time of first diagnosis) 3*. In either interpretation, how do we explain survival paradox linked to min and max patients?
I have the same question.

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