Hello there, I am a little bit confused about the timelines of challenge, what is the different between "open phase" and "leaderboard phase". When we we should submit our prediction model? and when is the webinar? All the best.

Created by Ramyar Molania Ramyar
Validation rounds are for submitting and based on a subset of the validation datasets. However, final scores and team performance will be assessed on the final round scores with are computed on all validation data.
Hi, The open phase is designed to allow challenge participants to become acquainted with the data and submission via docker. The final submissions are in October. This challenge features an extended open phase (6 weeks instead of 3) to help participants learn docker. We will be a updating the site with information about the challenge webinar within the week. Kind Regards, Mike
I also am a bit confused when we have to submit our model by, as there is a picture of the timeline but no explanation of the phases. I originally was under the impression that we could submit by october, but after seeing this timeline maybe it's more like August 30? That's pretty soon!!

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