Dear All- I am just joining the challenge and am trying to download the data. I register and then try to download the data in R, but receive an error message. > chal_data_table = synTableQuery('select id,name from syn9763946') . Error: HTTP Error: 400 for request {"reason":"Table syn9763946 has an empty schema"} I have also tried going to the files page, but only find resources and papers, as opposed to the data. I apologize for this very basic question, but am I missing something obvious? Thank you, Josh

Created by Joshua Sampson sampsonj74
Thank you. I was using an old computer/web browser that had an issue.
Dear Josh, You must be [registered to the challenge](!Synapse:syn6187098/wiki/449437) to download all the data. Please kindly let me know if you still into trouble after downloading the data. Best, Tom

Failure to download data page is loading…