Hello, The model that my team and I have been working has been submitted to the express lane a few times now and we are having some issues with a validation error. I can submit the docker image fine, and I get an email saying `Your prediction file has been stored, but you will not have access to it.` This, I'm assuming, indicates that it has run and all of the information has been output to the correct file. I then receive and email, typically long after my submission (on the order of 30 minutes to several hours) that says `Submission file must be named predictions.tsv.` However, I have verified several times on my machine that the output file is written to the `/output/predictions.tsv` and the headers in the file are correct. I have also verified file permissions and executable permissions. Can you offer any support as to what the issue may be? Regards, Nat

Created by Nathaniel Hawkins nathawkins
I constantly get "Must predict all patients in the goldstandard" for challenge 2 submissions. Log file says all predictions are written. Locally, the predictions look conformal to the requirements (col names, separator, continuous and binary scales etc.).
Hello, I received the same validation error too, 10 minutes after I got email saying the submission ran successfully. The error message states "Submission file must be named predictions.tsv". I have also verified on on my machine that the output file is written as /output/predictions.tsv. My log file just says "No Logs". Any idea what could be the problem? .
Synapse does not provide me with a log file. I get an email that says `Your prediction file has been stored, but you will not have access to it.` But then sends me an additional validation error.
What does your log file tell you?

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