Dear moderators, I submitted containers to sub-challenge 2 as an individual for several times. Now I am trying to submit as a team. But I found I cannot select myself as a contributor because of the status of "has a conflicting submission". How can I solve this problem? Thank you for your reading.

Created by Walt Wu waltwu512
Dear Tom, Understood and thanks again for your kindly reply and help. Best regards, Bruce
Dear Bruce, Unfortunately, this is a feature that is worked across all of Synapse. If you submit as an individual, you will not be able to submit as a Team along with other members. You are allowed to submit as an individual to the express lanes if you want to to test your models, and it will have no impact on submitting as a team in the main queues. And after this round, if you submit as a team to the express lanes, ALL of your team members will be able to submit as the team and gain insight as to whether their model produces a correct prediction file or not. I apologize if I am not addressing your concern or point. Sorry for any confusion. Best, Tom
Dear Tom, I agree with your point. But I would like to point out that "express lane submission" should not be limited, even if individual/team participant(s) have multiple formal submissions/main queues; especially one may want to try another new model and check the prediction file format after those (formal submissions). Kind regards, Bruce
Dear Bruce, Let me explain. Any individual that is part of a team can submit as part of the team as long as they have not made submissions as an individual. So for this round's express lane checking, have Walt submit to check your prediction file format, then submit as a team to the main queue. When the next round starts, you will be able to submit as a team to the express lanes. Apologies for the inconvenience. Does this help? Best, Tom
Dear Tom, Thank you for your explanation. But I guess it may limit the right of some individual participant(s). For example, if an individual participant is not eligible to submit "MM_Challenge_2_Express_Lane" before formal submission/main queue "MM_Challenge_2" either in the final round or in the first two rounds, then, if unfortunately, their formal submission/main queue "MM_Challenge_2" is failure/error somehow for any reason, what should we do for the error checking? Best regards, Bruce
Dear Bruce, I think Walt has many submissions to the sc2 express lane. This makes him not eligible to submit as part of your team (just for the sc2 express lane). Feel free to have Walt submit to the express lanes, but you guys are allowed to submit as a team for the main queues. Best, Tom
Dear Tom I am a co-member with Walt in the same team. We just tried "MM_Challenge_2_Express_Lane" many times but cannot select Walt as a team submission member for team submission of "MM_Challenge_2_Express_Lane", due to "Has a conflicting submission". Neither our team nor each individual in our team have submitted "MM_Challenge_2". Kind regards, Bruce
Dear Tom, Sorry, I didn't make it clear. I haven't submitted to the main queues. The issue is related to the expression lane submissions. Although this may not affect my contributions in the formal submissions, it is still kind of weird that I cannot be selected as a team member during the submissions. Is there any solution to it? Or should we just leave it? Many thanks, Walt
Dear Walt, Have you submitted to the main queues? If you have submitted multiple times to the main queues as in individual then you may not submit as a team anymore until the next round. Best, Tom

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