Is it allowed that each team member makes 2 submissions **individually** in the leaderboard rounds and then we make a final submission in the final round **as a team**?
Thanks, Jun

Created by Jun Cheng chengjun583
That's definitely not allowed. Manipulating team compositions in order to increase quota is a ground to disqualification. In theory, a person can only join in one team, and you fix with this team from the beginning to the end in a particular challenge. If you envision there will be disagreement within the team, then just have two teams at the beginning. Discussion across teams may be allowed through forums, maybe privately as well, but that's it. You cannot belong to two teams of different composition at the same time in a challenge, or merge later.   For your more accurate information, yes, in the past there has been previous winners who used this strategy to figure out the test set structure while others cannot using their limited submission quota. So the practical answer is, Yes, go ahead and do it, if that is important enough for you to do so, there will be no realized penalty. And if you win this way, you win. But one may get the prize and the authorship through such approach, but they lose our respect as a community at the same time.   At least for myself, such team can be rest assured that I will not talk to them a second time in my life.
Dear Jun, The quotas are applied at the team level. This very important for the 3rd round, which has financial incentives.

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