Hey, I am getting the following error:/test-data/WES_mutationFileMutect.gz : No such file or directory /test-data/M2GEN....ANNOTATED.FILTERED.vcf.gz: Too many levels of symbolic links Could you please clarify where these exome sequencing files are kept in test-data directory if any.

Created by Devishi Kesar Dkesar
Hi, thanks a lot for the help, but could you help us with the current problem of "no such file or directory" even though the path is correct, please see our log file for further details: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11023676
I looked at your latest failed submission, "9641034", can out print out or confirm in some other way the directory you are looking in is test-data? It might be useful to print the entire path of a file you are trying to but failing to read in.
Hi Devishi, Can you point us to the submission id to help speed up our effort looking into this?

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