I know a lot of people are probably having issues, however I am wondering why I can't seem to generate a useful log file. In my script file on line 1 I have a print line that should be run before any possible errors could occur, however even this doesn't appear in the log file. The only error I see is: ``` standard_init_linux.go:178: exec user process caused "no such file or directory" ``` My submission ID: 9641261 and I've been attempting to submit to the SC1 express lane Thanks a lot for your help.

Created by Nicholas Smith smithnickh
Dear Nicolas, Are you writing your program in windows? If so, make sure when you copy the shell script onto docker, that you get rid of all the special characters in your shell script. If you have ubuntu installed on your docker image, it won't be able to read `#!/bin/bash^M` Best, Tom

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