I submitted to the final round in Subchallenge 2 on Thursday (Nov. 3, Central time), and received the first confirmation email "Submission received to MM_Challenge_2" at 3:46 AM (Central time). This email has the link to the log file. I never received the other two emails that usually follow - stating the container ran, and that a prediction file was produced, and the log file link has remained "Empty" (the text on the page where the log file usually is just says "-Empty"). I tried another submission earlier today after running successfully in the Express Lane, but got the message that my team has "reached the submission quota". Since it appears the first submission never ran, could you reset my submission quota? (Or, if it did run, could you make the log file available?) submission name: fs_sc2_jc1 submission ID: 9650696 Thanks in advance!

Created by Jason L Causey jcabio
Thank you!
Dear Jason, There should not be a submission quota anymore. Apologies, your submission did not actually start running. It should start soon. Best, Tom

Final Submission Error page is loading…