

Created By Robert Allaway allawayr

Id: fb6815e1-4d39-4549-b7b9-973690166259
sex: Unknown
eTag: 091951f3-131f-4f85-a5a0-2fba9f097a62
assay: ChIP-seq
runType: pairedEnd
species: Homo sapiens
studyId: syn35632706
dataType: chromatinActivity
entityId: syn63315405
platform: Illumina NovaSeq X
readPair: 1
Component: EpigeneticsAssayTemplate
diagnosis: NF2-related schwannomatosis
studyName: Evaluation of BRD4 Inhibitors for Use in Combination with Kinase Inhibitors for NF2 Schwannomas
tumorType: schwannoma
fileFormat: fastq
initiative: Young Investigator Award
specimenID: A1
assayTarget: BRD4
dataSubtype: raw
nf1Genotype: Unknown
nf2Genotype: -/-
individualID: HS02
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: CTF
libraryStrand: Not Applicable
modelSystemName: HS02
nucleicAcidSource: bulk cell
experimentalCondition: DMSO
libraryPreparationMethod: Unknown
specimenPreparationMethod: Fresh collected

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