To whom it may concern, I would like to understand your gene expression data from the RNAseq experiments. To my best understanding, each patient has an RNAseq dataset. May I know the header for those datasets? Following is the data retrieved from file AI_RT_27.counts: ENSG00000223972 DDX11L1 1 ENSG00000227232 WASH7P 226 Hope to hear from you soon. Regards Yuganthini

Created by Yuganthini Vijayanathan Yuganthini
Dear Robert, Thank you for your prompt response, appreciate it. Will wait for the clarifications. Regards, Yuganthini
Hi @Yuganthini , the header is likely: column 1: Ensembl Gene ID column 2: HUGO Gene symbol column 3: Expression in counts However, I am unsure whether col 3 is TPM, FPKM, or a different metric. I'm tagging @fulvio.dan in case he has additional input. Thanks! Robert

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