Hi @fulvio.dan, I hope all is well! I had a question about the variant files here (syn8466424). I am trying to figure out what each column header is. My best guess, looking at syn8466471 as an example is the following: "Pos", "Name", "Chr", "Start", "End", "Ref", "Alt", Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown Apologies if this is some standard format, but as far as I could tell this is not a standard VCF or MAF. Thanks! Robert

Created by Robert Allaway allawayr
Thank you Fulvio, this is very helpful! I appreciate it! Cheers, Robert
Hi Robert, You are right, the variants files I uploaded are not in VCF or MAF standard formats. They are the output of GATK HaplotypeCaller annotated by AnnoVar. The column headers are Column #1: "Func.refGene" (AnnVar) Column #2: "Gene.refGene" (AnnVar) Column #3: "Chr" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Column #4: "Start" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Column #5: "End" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Column #6: "Ref" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Column #7: "Alt" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Column #8: "Genotype" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Column #9: "Qual" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Column #10: "Genotype Quality" (GATK HaplotypeCaller) Thank you. Best, Fulvio

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