Dear GENIE colleagues, Our team has recently been making use of the GENIE data. Thank you for your continued curation and oversight of these important data. Our group is interested in survival outcomes associated with mutation biomarkers. We have reviewed and begun to work with existing clinical annotations including the provided the provided fields: "AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT", "DEATH", and "INT_DOD". We are interested in the duration of time between the issued sequencing report and death if applicable for a given patient. As a preliminary calculation, we are currently rounding the "AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT" field to the nearest year, converting to days, and then subtracting that value from "INT_DOD". This preliminary survival calculation has been useful for our work, but we are concerned that it is introducing substantial variability by rounding nearest year. Is it possible to apply for access to the "AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT_DAYS" field that is described in the "data_guide.pdf" but currently masked? Many thanks, Larson Hogstrom University of Oslo

Created by Larson Hogstrom lhogstrom
Dear Larson, Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, the information requested (AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT_DAYS) is not available to users outside of the GENIE consortium. At the moment, the approach you are taking to calculating the duration of time between the issued sequencing report and death, appears to be the appropriate path forward, noting the caveat of possible introduction of variability due to imprecise calculation of the age at sequencing. We will, however, take this feedback internally and deliberate on whether we are able to unlock this feature for all users in the future. Thanks again, and best wishes. Jumi Popoola, on behalf of AACR Project GENIE

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