I would like to know if there's a way to access the information of the metastatic sites for those samples annotated as 'Distant organ metastasis' in meta_clinical_sample.txt
Created by Francesc Castro-Giner fcastro Dear @chelsea.nayan,
Thanks a lot for your response. What I was looking for is the anatomical locations of the distant metastases detailed in data_clinical_sample.txt, but I assume that this is not part of the pubic. I will try to use the data in GENIE BPC
Dear @fcastro,
Thank you for your interest in the GENIE dataset.
For information about the sample ID associated with "Distant organ metastasis," please refer to the sample clinical file available [here](https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn61512501).
Additionally, more detailed information on metastases for select cohorts is available in the GENIE BPC Project. Currently, the NSCLC and CRC releases are available. Cohorts for Breast Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, and Prostate Cancer are expected to be publicly available later this year.
You may be particularly interested in the non_index_cancer file data type, which can be accessed [here](https://genie.synapse.org/Explore/GENIE-BPC).