Hi? Thanks for releasing the GENIE v16.0-public dataset. The `Genomic Profile Sample Counts` chart indicates the following numbers: * Structural Variants: 172,8**76** samples * Copy-number alterations: 148,035 samples However, upon reviewing the `Case lists` chart (also the cases_XXXX.txt files): * samples with Structural Variants: 172,8**67** * samples with CNA: 178,046 While `data_cna.txt` contains 140106 columns and 140105 samples. Based on the information provided, I would expect these figures to be consistent. Is there a specific reason for the discrepancy? Best Wan

Created by Wan Shi Wanda
HI @Wanda , Thanks for raising this discrepancy, we are currently working through other project priorities but will try to get to this soon.

Discrepancy between Case lists and Genomic Profile Sample Counts on cbioportal (GENIE v16.0) page is loading…